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A member registered Dec 29, 2022

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Can't figure out how to swim...

Dora's quest says to try out the pool. I already bought the swim trunks and they are in my inventory (says "can't be used" if I try the use button).

There is not a single object in the pool room i can click on

About how much gets added in updates? Just got the 0.88 update, and was glad it sort of made a more clear stop than the cliff hanger of 0.85, but it was only like 1 scene, like 5 minutes. I believe the 0.92 is going public soon? When it does, about how much is gonna be added? Saw some things on the patreon mentioning endings?

Looking back, I think I just Googled the game and found download on different site

Absolutely amazing so far.

Was looking for a discord page to message you silently with this, can just delete after you reply if you want though.


Had an idea for another level of "meta". When you go to make your guess about who is the other gamer, it catches you if you try to reload. However it can be bypassed by clearing the cache (on mobile). Would be cool if you just quickly at the beggining of the game or something populated the cache with 1 item. Then you could check for an empty cache when the player guesses and call the player out for trying to cheat their way around. 

Of course people could still just go find the file, or if they know this method, they could find out where you first added the item to make it non-empty. But it would judt be a fun Easter egg for people who try a super basic approach like i did.

The version here isn't updated it seems. Just go to their patreon page for updated version (still free).

Literally the best exotic GAME. Emphasis on "game". The actual game loop/gameplay is actually a game where you make decisions rather than what almost every other erotic "game"" does by just adding a time wasting gameloop that only exists to slow down the story so the game artificially has "more" content.

To boot, it also has a really cool story!

Downside though is that its all 2d, with low resolution graphics and the animations being added are quite lack luster and infrequent (newer versions have gone back and partially animated some events).


That ending though. Imagine if Caribis was just done making this, and decided to just to leave this as the ending. Would be like blue balling my brain.

I believe they mis-took their actual personality and feelings about themselves as that of thr MC

Slower? Im seeing last update as 3 years ago...

Would be nice if each character could say #/X events completed, so you dont get suddenly blindsided by when you run out of content. Other than that, maybe just some in-game way of providing hints for location content. Great story and game!

Assuming you are rounding to the nearest hundred, what were the chances the last 2 updates had the same number of words added.

not sure how much extra time it makes it take (couldve sworn I read you write somewhere that adding in the new wrestling animations has been very difficult). If this is the case, I personally would rather just get the content faster. Its not that the animations aren't cool, its just im loving the story and wanting more and the wrestling animations aren't really important for me. Don't know if anyone else feels the same way.

Well, depending on if you paid or not. Gonna be about a month before public version

IMO this is mostly a garbage take - but you have a point with Cornwall knowing Lin.

I'll be very surprised if there is a decent explanation for why they arent just arrested immediately. 

For making all other games seem like trash in comparison and making it harder for other developers to justify making people have to directly purchase their game when the highest quality one is free. 

damn. If I cant make love with chang, whats the point in even playing this smh

wasn't wanting to skip anything. Just wanted something to make it so I could just keep going without having to choose what to do next.

After playing a bit more, I've got a much better idea: a way to auto start next event. Like, instead of clicking report -> (read tip) -> category -> girl. Just hit "next event". If you meet the requirements you'll start it (or it will do a warning like: have you done the house shows yet? - maybe an additional warning if the ability level isn't high enough!)

Just alot of clicks to do something when all there really needs to be is one. Not really a big deal though. But itd be super nice! 

(1 edit)

I really appreciate the advice section when it gets to "open world" part.

that being said, it would be incredibly awesome if there was just like a "story mode" toggle that just auto to the next event being advised instead of needing to check it every time! Just an idea though, and I haven't gotten too far into the open world section so maybe this isnt possible later on in it. But if it is, in sure there are atleast a few others who would rather play this in visual novel mode!

Either way, great story so far! Really enjoying it. Especially when Saki started "singing" her favorite song lol.

Is there a guide or something? I've gotten to the town, talked to everyone as far as i can tell. Gotten the 3 events at bar (kissing, guys arguing, guys upstairs wanting some "help"). But after that i have no idea what to do and none of the quests in the journal seem to have any instructions on how to do any of the things in them. 

How do I progress?

Not even close

Worst thing by far is how it raises my expectations and all the other games i used to love just feel mediocre in comparison.

If we are making requests, my wish is that this guy doesn't get his wish.

But less sarcastically, I prefer the overall world stories. Especially now that most personalities are pretty well defined by what exists.

That being said, i also kind of like more close ended additions. What i mean is that im worried that things like the end of Lin's last event might be TOO big. In that it feels so overarching that its going to be several updates before any kind of satisfactory resolution is met. 

poker event, got a 4 of hearts in my hand. Flop comes down with a second 4 of hearts. Literally unplayable smh

Just got new version-- hoping for Android + Kate best friendship update

(1 edit)

I read somewhere that newer (1.17+) versions he completely changed the younger sister's model. Is this true?

Came here to ask same thing.

Sir, this is a wendys

(2 edits)

how much storage space do you have? If you near last 10 gb you start getting file corruptions. You'll need enough free space for both the zip + the unzipped and still 10gb free after that. 

Also just to confirm, you got joiplay from their patreon yes? The latest version on appstore is like years out of date

You may just want to completely uninstall joiplay, renpy, and make sure to delete any folders related to them. Then reinstall. I had to do that a few months ago --- qlthough my issue was that nothing started at all, not that it was bugged once open

should be. I just came to check for same thing. According to joiplay the update 15 beta has released in like past few hours. Guessing that's for patrons only though. Not sure how long is between beta and public release

Likely an error with:

(1) Joiplay version. Its highly recommended you get the one from their patreon and not the app store.

(2) missing the renpy add on for joiplay

(3) did not properly unzip the folder or something regarding the location of the files (perhaps even corrupted files from bad download)

You are an absolute champion!

You were right that by no-face-man, I was reffering to the grandfather. At the time of writing my questions my brain was a bit melted and that was the best description I could think of lol.

Im still not 100% about some of this stuff, but ive got a much better understanding now. Thank you!

yeah. Loved them all.

(3 edits)

*** (SPOILERS) ***

I feel like I need the help of someone with a masters in literary analysis. I have essentially no idea what happened in chapter 44 other than some super basics. This isnt meant to be a critique, I just was not able to follow it and hoping to maybe get some help understanding.

Neither confused or lost actually express though how i felt reading this. It felt like someone was edging my brain's attempt at understanding. It felt like I spent the whole chapter just barely out of reach of understanding. Kind of like one of those older AI generated images where so much of it looks so close to familiar but the more you look the less familiar it becomes.

If you could help, I have a "few" actual questions... 

( ***SPOILERS*** )

(incase you didn't see the warning at the top)

[Section 1: the gods]

1. So the whole episode is meant to be inside the soul/domain or whatever of auxo yes?  (All the weird "memories", and the trip through the city too?)

2. Auxo was corrupted by ScaryBlackThing^TM?

3. Was auxo's actions or plans influenced by this thing?

4. Are we supposed to know what this thing was? Or even have an idea of what it could be? It was a complete blank for me.

5. Everyone entered auxo's domain at the start- but cj and teressa were separated by ScaryBlackThing?

[Section 2: cjs mom]

6. What triggered her mental breakdown?

7. The ScaryBlackThing (hereinafter referred to as SBT), how was it involved in her breakdown, her visions, the weird science shit she was doing? Was the person she was working for involved in this? 

8. What was going on with the visions. Why was Cj seeing them? Did his mom see the same ones as him? Im entirely lost here.

9. His mom was working to make some super genetic serum thing for perfect gene structure yes? When they said she would be giving birth to a God, did they only mean it in this scientific sense?

10. Was that serum that she got given to her by Hector? How and why was it given. How was it made. Why was it a thing

[Section 3: Cro and cj bit]

11. I thought cj and teressa were only ones separated, but he was with cro in city?

12. Who was the weird chick who kept popping up.

13. What happened that made this bit suddenly end with Cro looking like she was gonna blow some shit up

[Section 4: misc]

14. Why did Hector turn to stone

15. What was special about Hector

16. (Related) why was No-Face-Man interested in hector

17. How/why were hector and cj's mom stuck together in a single monster

18. What suffering did cj's mom even experience. Seems like it is made to be forgone assertion that she did--- but i dont see how. 

19. Was No-Face-Man related to the weird dragon monster that contained hector and cj mom?

20. Was no one (the other shards) actually there with cj and teressa during that fight? It seems like that is suggested by auxo but it doesnt make much sense


My head hurts. This one really confused the absolute fuck out of me. I dont know if I'm just dumb/clueless or perhaps many of these questions are meant to be unanswered. 


It was bugged. Upon loading back to start of chapter it finally gave me the missing parts. Last decision before altar for the stat. Feather near altar, frame on runic barrier. Really wishing there was like a forgiveness system that would just unlock everything after 5 entire rewinds

(1 edit)

Anyone else stuck on chapter 4. Im missing a frame, a feather, and one of the stat points (the one typically assigned to "act natural")

Whenever an emblem has appeared in the past it would prevent the "skip" functionality from working (as long as you dont have it enabled to continue after choices) 

However I have gone through the time rewind like 5 times and have found nothing. I even went back to old chapters to check and see if the missing stat was from before (in the hope that whatever this enables me to do will allow me to unlock the frame and feather outside of the main chapter content..

It almost seems like there is just a whole missing "part" in the chapter or something like that, unless there legitimately is a secret choice, and both the frame and feather dont have the emblem show up

Can you make it so the secret frames get triggered by finger over them rather than finger release? Having to find them to progress is already absurdly annoying --- made substantially worse by the fact that I dont know if the emblem is for the frame or the damn code, so I dont even know if im just not seeing it or if it isnt there. Then going back because I'm pretty sure its there, I have to keep pressing the back button because clicking on anything else progresses the scene

(1 edit)

so I've got version 0.53.4

I just got to the town where the game is supposedly actually beginning and becomes open world. Except every single quest is marked as WIP. Every single quest. 

Am I just missing something or is there actually just no content once you get past the opening phase?

Simple explanation if you are familiar with basic principles of how to use computers:

1. Download and extract game files.

2. Run the .apk and give it the permissions it asks for-- allowing it to create a new folder in your storage.

3. Move the specified files you downloaded into the new folder that was created in step 2.


this is made much easier by the developer giving you the proper location for these folders

The reason some games like this one need you to do this is because of APK file size limits. They can't exceed 2 GB. By doing it this way they can give you files with much greater size since the APK doesn't have to store all the data (instead you just move it yourself like in step 3)

they really arent...

1. Download/extract files

2. Allow the app to create a folder on your device (by running app inside the files)

3. Move neccessary files (that you downloaded) to the folder you just created.

The actual instructions even tell you the names and folder locations for these.

I hope that this helps you understand what you are doing because once you understand it, you shouldn't have many/any issues with this or any other game in the future. The only variables (for the most part) that MAY change are the folder locations and what you need to copy.

have you checked how much storage space you have? I find whe. I get near the last 10 gb that it starts freaking out when installing things

My dude this might be the most annoying thing people can do online. Say they have a problem then not say how they fixed it.

Its a "mega" download so I highly recommend getting the MEGA app. The browser version on Android just doesn't work 99% of the time